V11.0.15 is out

Started by PW User, April 06, 2010, 09:29:37 AM

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PW User

Extract from the Readme:



* Enhancements are released for the IGES and STEP readers.

* The zooming factor used by the laser scanning automatic viewpoint
method was not working in units other than millimeters. The bug has been
fixed. For those who have changed the 'Scan line close-up zoom (%)'
parameter in the past month, it is recommended to put back the default
value of 40, and then adjust the value again.


* A new menu item 'Edit > Curve > Create from NURBS Surfaces' and a new
button on the Curve Creation toolbar are available to create the curves
delimiting the selected surfaces of a NURBS Model object. Continuous
curves extending over several surfaces are automatically identified and
created as single curves. A 'Curve discontinuity angle' parameter is
available to merge adjacent curves only if they are continuous to each
other. Curves from a CAD model can be used to accelerate a NURBS
surfacing project.

* New volume measurement and slice area measurement algorithms are
introduced. The new volume measurement algorithm now computes an exact
solution. Both algorithms can now manage polygonal models or cross-
sections that are not watertight, in which case they will report an
approximate measurement result.


* Version R20SP3 of Spatial's CAD translators has been integrated. It is
a major release since it supports new releases of several major CAD

- CATIA V5 R20
- Pro/E Wildfire 5
- UG NX 7

Note that the import of features and controls (PMI) from Pro/E Wildfire
5 and UG NX 7 files is not available at this stage.

* IMInspect now incorporates built-in ISO tolerance tables. ISO
tolerances are supported for the following feature controls:

- Circle diameter and radius
- Cylinder diameter and radius
- Rectangle height and width
- Slot width

In the Feature Controls interface, users can right-click under a
tolerance column and click the 'ISO Tolerance' item to enter an ISO
tolerance code. Once the OK button is pressed, IMInspect automatically
computes the tolerance by using the feature dimension, tolerance code,
and the appropriate tolerance table. ISO tolerances are also imported
from CATIA V5, Pro/E, and SAT features and controls and converted into
numerical tolerance values.

* The rendering of most curved features (Cones, Cylinders, Circles,
Ellipses, Slots) has been enhanced. The Sphere will be finalized in the
next patch.

* IMInspect now offers the possibility of probing Circles, Cones,
Cylinders, Ellipses, Planes, Spheres, and Vectors within two or more
probing sessions. This new feature is useful when a feature is so
large that it needs to be probed using multiple device positions. A new
menu item 'Add Probed Data Points' is available in a probed object's
popup menu or in the Feature menu of the main menu bar. The new function
operates on selected features or primitives. In the operation's dialog
box, users can select a primitive to be probed, define a fixed number of
points for the new probing session, or have access to a probing zone
configuration when it applies. Users should be aware that the
compensation offsets and directions of the first probed feature remain
the same for subsequent probing sessions. Therefore, the same probe or
reflector diameter must be used when adding probed points to an
already probed feature. Or, if a special reflector was used, a reflector
with the same normal and tangent offsets must be used.

* Several minor issues have been resolved in the automatic viewpoint
algorithm used while probing.

* Starting with release 11.0.11, the 'Max data-to-ref angle' of a
Comparison Point, that should only be used for computation on point
cloud datasets, was incorrectly used for probing. The issue has been

* Users can now create a Circle resulting from the intersection of
two coaxial Cones. The new construction method is accessed through the
circle creation dialog box by setting the 'Method' to 'From
Intersection' and the 'Sub-method' to '2 Cones'.

* Users can now create Points resulting from the intersection of two
coplanar Circles. The new construction method is accessed through the
point creation dialog box by setting the 'Method' to 'From Intersection'
and the 'Sub-method' to '2 Circles'.

* The Polyline creation method 'From Data Error Contours' has been
enhanced. The polyline names now contain tokens that indicate the error
or tolerance of their corresponding contours in the color-mapped

* The flexibility of the Build/Inspect mode has been enhanced. The
compensation settings have been removed from the dialog box and
transferred to the Build/Inspect horizontal pane under a new
'Compensation' column. Three compensation configuration are available:

- None
- Toward Object
- Inverted

When the 'Distance Type' is changed, the 'Compensation' settings are
automatically changed. By default, no compensation is done when
building a 'Center point', 'Axis', or 'Polyline'. And, the compensation
is done toward the object when a 'Boundary', 'Boundary (Tangent)', or
'Surface' is built. These default settings can be modified in a new
'Build/Inspect > Compensation' option page in IMInspect's global Options

* The Build/Inspect mode now supports special reflectors.

* IMInspect's Airfoil Gauge module offers a new functionality that
automatically computes the distances between adjacent airfoils on an
unfolded cylindrical cross-section. This new functionality is useful to
inspect an assembled ring of airfoils. The new method is accessed
INTER_AIRFOIL_DISTANCES. Please contact InnovMetric's technical support
for additional information.


* A new 'Change Face' button is available on the Probing Device Control

* The Metris plug-ins have been renamed 'Nikon Metrology'.