How Did You Hear About This Forum?

Started by Admin, March 03, 2010, 09:35:41 AM

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How Did You Hear About This Forum?

1 (12.5%)
Through Innovmetric / IMFlash
3 (37.5%)
Google Search
3 (37.5%)
Other Search
0 (0%)
1 (12.5%)

Total Members Voted: 8


Our membership is increasing slowly and I just wanted to find out how people became aware of the forum.

Any suggestions on how to increase membership are welcome.

PW User

Advertise at the upcomming IPUM (International PolyWorks User Meeting) in October 2010 in Quebec City.

It will be the largest concentration of PolyWorks users in the world for a few days...

You should make yourself a big poster and have it placed in the entry hall of attendees. If you added a pick-your-own brochure with the adress of this site... that would probably trigger a few hundred new members.

If some member plan on comming in Quebec City, maybe one of them will have another good idea...

PW User

The organiser of the IPUM at InnovMetric is Sacha Villeneuve, svilleneuve at (I try to keep the web free of addresses because of spammers... change the "at" for the @ sign)


Thanks.  That's good to know.  I'm not going to be able to make it to the conference unfortunately.  I made about 250 business cards when I first started just as a trial - so if someone wants to pass them out, I can send them some... just a thought.  I'm not trying to make any money from this forum, so word of mouth has been my only real tool so far. ;)

PW User

I think you need to find a member who will make it there... And photocopy the business card... there may be more than 250 people. If you cound all the ivistors, exhebitors, friends and relatives, plus the Innovmetric employees, it's more than that.

Anyway, I thinks that's the best exposure you could get.