One Sided Tolerances

Started by admsteck, April 07, 2009, 06:28:08 AM

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Is it possible in IMInspect to set a comparison point to have a one sided tolerance?  For most points we use the common two sided tolerances of +/- 0.3mm or similar, but for some we are expected to keep the point on one side of nominal so the tolerance is something like -0.2mm to -0.8mm.  I have tried entering this into the tolerance for the comparison point but it seems that Polyworks will only accept a negative number for the negative high and low and a positive number for positive high and low.  Is there some way of using my required tolerance so points will show up in or out of tolerance when reported?  For now the best I can come up with is to modify the tolerance to 0.0 to -0.8mm.


Are you running V10 or V11?


I've started using v11 for all new scans but I still have v10 installed.


Quote from: admsteck on April 07, 2009, 06:34:59 AM
I've started using v11 for all new scans but I still have v10 installed.

I was mistaken.  I thought that was changed in V11 but I tried it this morning even with a macro to see if there was a back door, but it failed.

Start a wish list in the Version section of the forum and maybe it will eventually get added.


One sided tolerances can only be used with features. No solution for the report of the cp, but for displaying it I use the Auto-Range Color-Scale and define a one sided range...