import curves from exported circles from Iminspect

Started by berlou2009, April 01, 2009, 10:46:05 AM

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Hello everyone: :)

I am a new member for this forum. Nice to know you guys here!

I have a question regarding the exported circles from Iminspect . In V11, I still can export the circles as Igs or Txt files. But when I import that file into Imedit as curves, I do not get curve anymore.
Shall we do this in a particular way now ?

any ider will be appreciated !


I don't know about exporting to text/IGS and importing those files, but you can import primitives directly from the IMInspect project.

  • File - Import Objects - From IMInspect project...
  • Choose the project with the desired circle(s) and click the Import button
  • Select the circle(s) you wish to import, click import
  • Define a tolerance, and click OK

The circles are brought in as curves.  I hope this accomplishes what you needed.
