
Started by Admin, January 15, 2009, 09:23:48 AM

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Hello Everyone.   ;D  I just wanted to give you guys the opportunity to introduce yourselves and tell us a little bit about yourself.  If you would like to stay anonymous, that is cool too.


I have been using PolyWorks since 5/08.  It has been hard to find help on forums, so I hope this one takes off.  There are a lot of PCDmis forums, but not a lot for PolyWorks.  I use PolyWorks for the post processing of our Romer/Scanshark laser scanning system.  Mainly I use it for inspections, but I also do some reverse engineering as well.  I also program our bridge CMM with PCDmis, so I am very interested in the alignment capabilities inside of PolyWorks.  I have dabbled in writing macros to streamline our processes and have found excelent help from innovmetric and I hope they join this forum in the future.  I hope that more people join this forum and visit it frequently to help each other out. 

Augusto Alencar

Hello guys!

I?m a Application Technician in Hexagon Metrology Brazil and I know a little bit about PC-DMIS and PolyWorks. I?m employee since 2008 and i?m learning a lot of things. I think that here will be a good place to change ideas and help me improve my knowledge too.

In the other hand, I will try to help you with my little experience.  ;D
Skype: augusto.alencar


I have been using Polyworks since 5/07.  I also have experience with CappsNT, Faro Cam 2 Measure, and PowerInspect.  We currently have three Faro arms and one Romer arm in our shop which I have been using since '04.  Polyworks is by far my favorite software to use.  I am hoping in the future we can commonize on Polyworks to simplify the management and training aspects, but we have some work ahead of us before we get that far.  I definitely want to thank everyone on this forum for the help the have or will supply and I hope I can provide some help as well.


Hello everyone!

My name is Johnny, Polyworks user since summer '08.

Looking forward to getting some help here from time to time, and hopefully share whatever I know.


Hi my name is Jeff and have been using Polyworks and PC-DMIS since 12/08 we also use Faro Cam 2 Measure X. I would like to also communize all of our arms to Polyworks. I am starting to use it exclusively. It is good to see a Forum starting up and I hope it takes off. Hope to be posting in the future.


Hello Everyone.

My name is John.  I am a Land Surveyor and CADD Draftman, now using Polyworks V11 with IMAlign and IMSurvey.
We had our training a few weeks ago and now i'm training to become more efficient in Polyworks.  I have used Leica Cyclone in the past but it's been a few years.

Our industry mostly uses scanning for very large transportation projects and areas which are hazardous to survey conventionally.
I am facing the problem of extracting features, polylines and points mostly, over very large areas from several hundred thousands of points.  Our final product is usually in the form of a Topographic map with DTM and contours with planimetrics in some CADD format, either AutoCAD or Microstation.

As of now there are no posts on the IMSurvey Forum.  Hopefully that will change.


Hi all,  I am located in Columbia Maryland and am using Polyworks in conjuction with a CGI Machine.  We do mostly Inspection with some reverse engineering of our own parts.  We injection mold precision plastic components for the automotive industry.  Can't wait to learn from you guys.  Oh, I have been using Polyworks since Early 2009
Alan Romack
Principal Engineer
Bowles Fluidics Corporation


I am Mike Strnad, Quality Engineer with American Foundry in Muskogee, Ok. I am using a romer infinity 2.0 with polyworks. I have been using polyworks for about six months and am working to incorporate this technology into our inspection system. when i am comfortable that i have found the best method for inspecting parts, i plan to use the software to create legacy parts when necessary, and track pattern wear and deformation over time. i will also exploit any advantages it will give me in our machining dept. and in solidification simulation.


Hi, my name is Jason and am located in NW Ohio.  I have been using Polyworks since around November 2010.  We are currently using it along with a Faro Arm for machine alignments with our Proactive Maintenance group.  I am amazed by the power of this software.  I really like the ability to create macros to streamline the process.  I am hoping that this will be a good alternate resource for help.  I will also try to help if I can.


HI, I'm Derek from the Detroit area. PolyWorks user since July 2009. Using PW with NDI Optotrak PCMM and Perceptron V5 scanner, Faro gage plus.

Thanks in advance for all the great info!


Hi, my name is Shane, I am a mechanical(school taught)/quality(just started learning on the job) engineer in California.  I have been using PolyWorks (very lightly) since about 10/10, we have a Perceptron V5 scanner mounted to a Romer Infinite 2.0 arm (2.4m).  I'll be asking for help, and hopefully get to the point I can provide some also.  Thanks.


Hello, I'm Celine, from France. I work in Aix-Marseille University with PW, using an Optech ILRIS-3D, since a few monthes. Main field: geology.
See you soon in the posts...
Technicien at the University


Hey all,

Company i work for uses creaform Handscanners and this is our first venture into using polyworks, I hope this forum can answer some of the questions i'm sure to have.



Hello, everyone.

My name is Dan.  I've been using Polyworks since 2011.  I've been looking for a good place to discuss issues.  Hopefully I can bring something to the table. ;)