IMMerge for Polygonal Model

Started by cappleby1, July 08, 2014, 11:54:51 AM

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I have noticed that in IMInspect you can make a point cloud into a mesh.  Then you can right click it and export it a polygonal model.

What is the difference between doing it that way or just using IMMerge from the start of the point cloud.

Also in 2014 they have the real time meshing in IMInspect.


IMMerge can handle much larger datasets, and IMAlign will help clean up your cloud before meshing.  IMInspect doesn't offer as many parameters to create a nice mesh.

The real-time meshing is awesome, but you still need additional licenses just as before.
Jason R. Self
Dimensional Engineering, Inc.


I think scanning in the ImInspect is better, cause we can notice that whether our scanning are normal to surface that can improve the accuracy of scanning.

But problem is when you try to finalize the mesh, it will a long time and you need to clear all the small island before you align the scanned data with references data. If you didn"t do so, it will affect best fit.