Default Tolerance Question

Started by cappleby1, June 26, 2014, 05:21:11 AM

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Hello again,

I have noticed that when creating a new inspection program all of my tolerance default to ±.0394.  For example i may pick a circle and for the X or Y location is I click the little check box to turn it on the tolerance defaults to ±.0394.  Is there a way to change this default tolerance to whatever I want.  It sure seems like there would be but I cant find it.  This would save me lots of time instead or right clicking and updating the tolerance template on everything I pick.




I figured out how to change this item.

Go to Tools>Options>Tolerance>Templates> Edit the values for either the USR Control Default or USR Object Default.



You can also add tolerance templates to save you additional time.
Jason R. Self
Dimensional Engineering, Inc.