Extract Measured From Point Cloud

Started by cappleby1, June 13, 2014, 05:33:44 AM

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I have a Model and have picked features from the model that I would like to measure.  I have measured and aligned my point cloud.  I now go to "Extract measured to use point cloud data but I get an error saying that not all of my features could be extracted. What is the problem?  does anyone else know of any work around for this issue.  I have planes that wont measure but there is plenty of point data around the planes.  Is there a way to get this to work?



There is a TON of reasons why a feature wouldn't extract. I'd need to see the project to effectively troubleshoot it.
Jason R. Self
Dimensional Engineering, Inc.


Thanks for being the first person to reply back to me. ;D

I guess what I'm trying to get at is not why it wouldn't extract on this particular case but just some basic guidance and work around for extracting points from a point cloud.  Usually this is most problematic when I have a small edge that I want to pick as a plane on the model then extract it after I have measure the point cloud.  The edge may not be "good enough" to be considered a plane.  On a model a small edge can be picked as a plane easily but to extract that plane from the point cloud is hard because the edge is not perfectly flat.


Are you trying to calculate trim edge deviations on a sheet metal part? Ifo so, comparison points would be a better option.
Jason R. Self
Dimensional Engineering, Inc.


I unfortunately can't upload this project because it contains confidential information.  Yes it would kind of be similar to sheet metal but it is plastic, a plane that is the end of a cylinder. The cylinder wall is about .125 thick.  I wanted to do i distance from one end of the cylinder to the other using the plane to plane measurement.  My scanned points at the end of the cylinder fail to create the plane I picked on the cad model.


I would guess that either:
The cylinder is too far out of location;
or that there aren't enough data points to extract the measured value.

Are you able to manually fit a plane to the cloud?
Jason R. Self
Dimensional Engineering, Inc.


Now that I know where you're working, and have a pretty good idea of what you're working on...

We were touch probing most of those features with the FARO Sensor Probe, rather than scanning.
Jason R. Self
Dimensional Engineering, Inc.


You could go about it the long way.  Construct sheet metal points (edge points), then construct a plane from the points.  After doing the same on both sides, you should be able to get the distance between the two planes.


I appreciate the suggestions I will try them at the next opportunity and post a reply.