Change object XYZ origin coordinates

Started by Nattarg, July 06, 2012, 08:52:56 AM

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I'm fairly new to Polyworks and we are working with human scans. All I want to do is change the object XYZ origin by maybe just rotating it a few degrees. How would we go about this?




I am new to PolyWorks also and would like to know how to reset the XYZ coordinates also. I see that there are no responses to this inquiry so does that mean that it is not feasable to do this?


Fastest & easiest way would be to create a new coordinate system from the tools menu.
Jason R. Self
Dimensional Engineering, Inc.


easiest way for me would be:

collect the data in IMInspect
create the coordinate system as desired
export data to IMEdit for repair / optimization / smoothing / meshing / reverse engineering

I think the coordinate system COULD be altered in IMEdit, but it's not as intuitive.  Check out Tools > Alignment > Manual Alignment.