ImAlign - DATA

Started by NickBush, May 24, 2012, 02:09:54 AM

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Hi There, I have a question for PolyWORKS experts/junkies

I have been using for about 1 year now - I have had major headaches trying to get good results when importing long-range scanner data. We have a HDS6100.

Also when importing .ptx or pts files from cyclone

Really two questions

1. Can any one give advice on a thought process that may be employed when deducing the setting to use on import. For example. If I have some data from a plant room ? pipes, vessels ? steel section that were say 2m to 12m away from the scanner. On the other hand, if I had data that was say from a roadway from 5m to 150m.

Once I have the data together it always, look very sparse and bridged ? is this an issue?

It looks rubbish ? but is this an issue?

Any help would be greatly appreciated

2. Secondly -   Once I register / align the point clouds and then open in ImEdit or ImInspect ? are all the point present i.e. if I imported at 1/1 in ImAlign does the data get lost - from this bridging / rubbish looking result


It happens because IMAlign module filters some ponts when importing data, it depends on parameters you set



One setting that always got me was the min step.  It defaults to something really large, so the data always looked "chunky".  When I reduced the min step to something reasonable for point spacing, everything looked nice.


So what would you suggest? Default is 15 - I have use 2 and things look better


My rule of thumb was to use a min step slightly less than the accuracy of the data. That made sense to me and worked pretty good. Sometimes it creates large data files, but I'd rather worry about that later.