Updating report items?

Started by Kris23, August 19, 2011, 10:39:39 AM

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I wish to reuse an iminspect file. At present there are about 200 features that I have created screen shots and a report for. SInce adding those items to the report I now have my nominal numbers defined. Furthermore when I get my next part in my goal is to just reprobe measured data and automatically update the items in the report.

Is there a way to do this? It took about 8 hours to generate each report post inspection. Looking for a way to streamline this process.


Will this be happening often?

The reason I ask is because you could make use of a report template combined with a macro to populate the report from items in the tree.  I have created a pretty generic macro that creates the feature, saves a 3D Scene associated to feature, so when I run the report it published a page per feature with a new screenshot and a new feature report chart.


Yes it will happen very often. Is there anychance the macro you have created names each "feature" table the name given to the feature tree in the items menu?



What I am planning on doing is reusing the same complete file for future inspections that already have the features and tables completed in the report so that my workflow on subsequent parts would be a matter of "reprobing measured data" and compiling the report complete with screenshots.


If you can wait until the release of V12 they are going to have direct replay that will update all the reports after reprobing. This includes screen shots. Some of it works in the prerelease but not all.