Comparison result

Started by Francis, January 20, 2011, 05:43:56 AM

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Hi Polyworks group!
I use IMInspect to compare a model from Catia (as a reference) with point that come from a laser scan (as Data).

I do a Compare -  Data to Reference.
My point get color and I can export those point with a RGB.  This is good but I want more.
I would like to have my point with RGB and with the compare result (how far was my point to the surface)

Any Idea to get this?

thank you!
Francis Moisan


You can export all the data points to a text file but this will not mean much because this would be a huge file with a large number of points. You can do this by right clicking on the scan data in the Tree and go to Select => Elements => All. Then right click on the scan data again and go to (Data Branch) => export => Selected Data Points & Errors to Text File.

A better way to do this would be to create Surface Comparison Points in the area of concern and then report them out. This way the surface comparison points will have labels that would show up in your RGB.
