No scaling available when aligning via n-pair method?

Started by ortwin, August 17, 2010, 03:19:09 AM

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I want to align about ten shots of a face, made by a mobile pattern scanner. The problem: the distance to the face varies, resulting in surfaces of different size. If I use the n-pair method, the software does not scale one of the surfaces, thus being not able to fulfill my requirements.

Is it true, that Polyworks cannot scale surfaces in its fitting algorithms? Can I only align surfaces of objects, which have been captured from the same distance?


I have never seen that functionality, but I guess I never have been looking either.


The full name is:
"N point pair alignment"

But the main question is:

Is Polyworks capable of automatically scaling surfaces? Or does it only support translation and rotation?


IMO, I think the auto scaling would compromise the accuracy of the scans - which is why it is not an option.  OR it just adds another level of complexity to the best-fit algorithms.