IMInspect Feature Requests

Started by jrayself, March 11, 2010, 08:15:25 PM

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I have been compiling a list of features and changes I would like to see in IMInspect? and it is getting pretty lengthy. 

Most of my issues lie with the reporting functions and just general annoyances.

I am curious as to what everyone else is frustrated by or would like to see.
Jason R. Self
Dimensional Engineering, Inc.


I would like a command to duplicate a page layout.  For instance, I like my report to have a summary cover page and then individual piece part pages.  The title page and piece part pages have different layouts, so I have a crazy workaround to get it done.  If there was a duplicate page layout function, it would make things very easy.


I'm sure I don't fully understand what you are trying to do, but couldn't you just make a copy of the "XXX.ezl" file and the "XXX_Files" folder and use that as your duplicate?

Of course there is also the command to duplicate slides in the EZLayout window, both when editing a layout, and a report.
Jason R. Self
Dimensional Engineering, Inc.


isn't it possible to use the "new" background pages to have multiple page layouts in a report?


Quote from: jrayself on March 12, 2010, 02:28:22 PM
I'm sure I don't fully understand what you are trying to do, but couldn't you just make a copy of the "XXX.ezl" file and the "XXX_Files" folder and use that as your duplicate?

Of course there is also the command to duplicate slides in the EZLayout window, both when editing a layout, and a report.

I did not see this when I was looking.  I must have missed it.


Not sure if you found it already, but if you right-click on a slide in the Page View docking window inside of EZLayout, the duplicate command is in there.
Jason R. Self
Dimensional Engineering, Inc.