Internal threads

Started by Lived, August 12, 2009, 04:00:30 PM

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Problem...2 inch diameter fine internal threads that go about 2 inches deep needs to be inspected to determine the percentage of good threads left any ideas how to measure the major, minor, pitch, and angle.


Yikes, what hardware are you using to try to capture the threads?  A CT scanner would have the easiest time capturing that detail.  Once you have the data, you can either compare the actual to the CAD (if you have it), or you can track the threads using feature tracking in IMEdit to get the entire thread...  If you post more details I may be able to help you more.  Good luck!


If you are still looking for measurements on your threads, I know of a way to do it in IMInspect... Shoot me a message and I will follow up with you!