V12 Multipart Scanning - SPC Analysis

Started by Admin, February 23, 2012, 07:35:54 AM

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Downloading 12.0.5 now with the surface SPC options.  Looking to get some help on a workflow. Basically I am going to want to inspect multiple polygonal models compared to a CAD model.  I am going to be interested in about 10 features (surfaces profiles) per part.  I am interested in average and standard deviations per surface.

In V11 I brought in all polygonal models together, aligned each individually with a macro.  Now it looks like I need to add each one as their own "piece' - is this correct?

Any suggestions before I dive in?


I think you're on the right track. Complete the piece #1 inspection, then create a new piece and import your data then play extraction and so on.

Then your SPC should be all calculated in the final piece.
Jason R. Self
Dimensional Engineering, Inc.