Extrude Incomplete Hole

Started by Admin, July 01, 2009, 12:28:12 PM

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Here is my situation: I scanned a part that has a hole through it (bushing) that I cannot scan the entire cylinder.  I would like the polygonal model to be water tight so I need to fill the hole accurately. I need to figure out what is the easiest way to extrude the partially scanned data accurately through to the other side so I have a complete hole.   

Background: In my case, there is enough surface on each side to create a cylinder feature with the "pick then fit" option. Also, the feature that I created is off by .004" and I wanted to see if I could edit the scanned data to what it should be which is exactly 1.000".

Can someone point me in the right direction please??



'Cut Holes with Curves' could be a function you can use. Just create a circle from your cylinder in IMInspect, edit it numerically to 1 and import it into your IMEdit project. After closing both sides of the model surface you can use the curve to create a watertight cylinder.

The other option would be to import the numerically edited cylinder as NURBS, create a polygonal model from it and integrate it into the scanned model. 

??? no other idea...

PW User

One little tweak to Firefly's suggestion:
You can force the bestfit of the circle to a specific diameter. There is a checkbox in the auto-extract parameters for a cirlcle called "Fixed Radius".

Polyworks will concentrated its effort on putting the circle in the best position possible.


"'Cut Holes with Curves' could be a function you can use. Just create a circle from your cylinder in IMInspect, edit it numerically to 1 and import it into your IMEdit project. After closing both sides of the model surface you can use the curve to create a watertight cylinder."
I get this, but how do i align my probed hole that i created in im inspect to the nurbs model in im edit. i cannot refixture my part to the exact location in which i scanned it. so even though i can align everything in im inspect and probe my holes. when i import them back into im edit, they are in the wrong spot. i played with the function that allows you to save a new initial position to no avail. i also tried a few other things. any ideas?


well, i just re-scanned the part and probed my holes in the last fixtured position. then i aligned all of my other passes to the last position so that everything was in the correct place. worked great! i know there must be a way to align everything together after the fact, but i couldnt hit upon it. if anyone does have any similar experiences along these lines, i'd love to hear about it