Scanning Turbine Blade

Started by livetofly, May 10, 2009, 10:44:08 AM

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I have scanned a turbine blade need some advise on what is the best method to close the surfaces of the trailing edge of the blade.
As the blade tapers down its hard to measure the blade edge at this points. I was thinking of using curves on the top and bottom,then extrapolating them until they intersect, using these intersecting points make a curve up the length of the blade. Then extending the surface to the curve.

Any ideas appreciated!!!


Wow- the best possible way to close it would be to carefully re-scan that area until you get almost total coverage.  I don't know what scanner you are using, but try to point it directly at the sharp edge to get a few points on it.

If you still can't close the gap, I suggest a series of hole-filling procedures.  If there is any radius at all to the edge, you can probably use gap filling, partial hole-filling, and click-and-fill to close the gap.  My personal strategy would be to use gap filling periodically, then complete with click and fill.  Another possibility would be to use the Anchor Surface tool to build a nice bezier surface around the gap, then triangulate using that surface.

If you are trying to make it a very sharp edge, you can always track the sharp edge of the radius, then insert using the sharp edge curve.

Good luck!


In IMEdit I would try it with surface patches...

Do you have a CAD software and the NURBS modul in PolyWorks? Because then you can create two NURBS patches on the left and right side of the blade, export them and create a intersection in the external software. Then import the new CAD, and merge the original and the new model. After that you have a perfect sharp edge and you can use the rolling ball to get a nice radius.