Creating a Slot feature

Started by Coleman, February 17, 2014, 09:56:46 AM

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Brand new user here.  I have a lot of experience with other inspection platforms though so hopefully I will be able to pick this up quickly :)

I have a slot feature - ID 2 Cylinders and to planes that I need to create as a datum feature for other evaluation.  I have tried the feature creation tool in the tool bar menu as well as the interactive option from the measure menu.  Neither successfully gives me a slot feature that I can identify as Datum A. 

Any direction on what I might be doing wrong?




1.   You can create a circle from intersection of cylinder and the plan.
2.   Then use anchor to create the slot from the circles.


Perhaps I'm missing something here, but why don't you just create a slot feature?
Jason R. Self
Dimensional Engineering, Inc.


Well the problem is my slot is the Primary datum in my control frame for another profile.  The slot itself has a profile tolerance without control frame that constrains size and form only.  I have another surface profile on a free form feature of size constrained to datum A (the slot) @MMB.  This means My datum feature allows pattern shift as the surface of the slot deviates from the MMC condition as defined by the best fit profile tolerance.  Additionally if I use the slot feature i loose the degrees of freedom controlled by the axis of my slot AND the feature is not being evalueated 3 dimensionally.