slecting elements interactively

Started by Homer-Jay, September 10, 2010, 06:56:38 AM

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I have taken some scans of a valve body that i had sitting on an inspection table, and included part of the table in the scans. I have already aligned my scans and now want to get rid of the scans of the table that are around the base of the part. All it will let me do from the select elements tab, is select pixels. it wont let me draw a freeform line and delete out the table surface. any suggestions


Click on "Select Elements" or you press spacebar

Then hold shift, press and hold the middle mouse button and draw around:

When you let go of either shift or middle mouse button, it will snap a line between the ends and select everything in that volumetric space (front and back of objects - be carefull)



fantastic.. i was almost doing it right. all except using the shift key. it thanks again


i tried to bring my dataset into inspect and it brought each scan in individually and was a huge mess. this leads me to believe that i need to combine all 62 scans in my align tree view into one. is this correct?, and whats the name of the operation?  all i have done so far is scan, align, and reduce overlap


This is my procedure:

1. Scan
2. Best-fit scans
3. Create Polygonal model in IMMerge
4. Load Polygonal model into IMInspect
5. Compare to CAD



ps i followed the steps you posted and was able to do it correctly. thanks again


Quote from: Homer-Jay on September 15, 2010, 06:38:41 AM
ps i followed the steps you posted and was able to do it correctly. thanks again

Sure, glad it worked.


i was actually suprised that the pointcloud i had was able to generate a polygonal model. i had used the scanner for the first time, and my model had like 5 holes in it of an inch in diameter or more