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Messages - admsteck

Version Upgrades / Re: Feature wishlist for v11
April 16, 2010, 03:55:04 AM
Great find jrayself!  Unfortunately, I have already moved on and made a macro to import my models and set the render mode as well as a few other tasks.   :)
Macro World / Re: Sub String question
February 03, 2010, 08:21:34 AM
Using your suggestion I have a working solution now.  :)  Thanks again for the help. 
Macro World / Re: Sub String question
February 03, 2010, 07:01:56 AM
Thanks!  I was looking for something like that.  I should be able to export the file name to a text file, execute an external vb script to parse the file to get the part thickness, and then read the file back in to set the thickness on the reference model.  Not exactly the most straight forward approach, but it should work.
Macro World / Re: Sub String question
February 03, 2010, 03:43:47 AM
I have no problems getting the name of the file.  I am using the macro to import the CAD from the beginning and Polyworks has string functions that easily remove the path and file extension.  I had thought about using an external vb script but then I have no idea how the get the result of the vb functions back into the Polyworks macro.
Macro World / Re: Sub String question
February 02, 2010, 08:25:08 AM
Extracting the value from the name of the file.
Macro World / Sub String question
February 02, 2010, 07:50:22 AM
Does Polyworks have any macro command similar to the instr, and mid commands in vb?  I inspect mainly sheet metal parts and name all my cad files in the format "part# tx.x.iges" where part# is the part number and tx.x is the thickness of the part.  So a 1mm thick part would be t1.0.  I would like to be able to extract the thickness from the file name and use it to set the virtual surface property of the cad in Polyworks.
Inspector / Standard Isometric views
January 19, 2010, 04:44:13 AM
Is it possible to easily orient the view in a standard isometric view?  Anyone else think this would be useful?
Macro World / Re: Remove disconnected verticies?
April 14, 2009, 11:03:26 AM
I actually found that out shortly after I posted.  Is there any way to do something similar in IMInspect?  I really hate to clutter my workspace up with a IMAlign project, polygonal model, IMEdit project, and another polygonal model before I can even get it into IMInspect.
Macro World / Remove disconnected verticies?
April 14, 2009, 08:50:55 AM
Is there a way to take a polygonal model and remove all verticies that are not connected to the main body?  I scan mostly sheet metal parts and almost always have some of the table or fixture in the scan.  I usually clean the model by doing an alignment, select data points compared to reference, then invert selection.  This works pretty well unless I don't have a cad model.  What I was wondering is if I can generate a polygonal model, then somehow remove the verticies that are not connected to the main body of the model. 
Forum Suggestions / Answered or not
April 13, 2009, 07:02:30 AM
Posibly add the ability to mark a topic as 'answered' or 'closed'. I know this isn't a huge issue at the moment, but I can see this being a huge time saver if this forum continues to grow.
Quote from: prehistory on April 08, 2009, 10:26:05 AM
Quote from: admsteck on March 31, 2009, 11:16:02 AM
The only thing I have always wished for was the ability to set the default rendering style for cad models to curve for dynamic and flat + curve for static in IMInspect since is shows a better representation of the part than wireframe.

If you change your rendering style the way you like, then save your Config, does that work?

Nope.  Tried that.  And flat + curve and curve are not listed in the options dialog.
I have been using Polyworks since 5/07.  I also have experience with CappsNT, Faro Cam 2 Measure, and PowerInspect.  We currently have three Faro arms and one Romer arm in our shop which I have been using since '04.  Polyworks is by far my favorite software to use.  I am hoping in the future we can commonize on Polyworks to simplify the management and training aspects, but we have some work ahead of us before we get that far.  I definitely want to thank everyone on this forum for the help the have or will supply and I hope I can provide some help as well.
Version Upgrades / Feature wishlist for v11
April 07, 2009, 08:46:02 AM
Post any suggested improvements to Polyworks v11 here.

Myself I would like:
1.  A unified interface.  Instead of seperate IMAlign, IMMerge, IMInspect, etc...  One interface to eliminate the need to import data from one into another.  If that's not possible than at least an easy way to create a polygonal model from data scanned in IMInspect or the ability to probe features in IMAlign.

2.  The ability to set "Curve" and "Flat+Curve" as the default rendering styles for imported reference objects.
I'm I the only one that has ideas for improvements?  Here's a few more I came up with:

3. The new coordinate system functionality is nice, but it would help me if I could create an "invalid" coordinate system.  What I mean is one that violates the right hand rule.  Our customer designs with the centerline of the car at 0 Y.  Typically when discussing deviation, anything away from the center of the car is refered to as +Y and towards the center is -Y.  Currently to get my reports for left side parts to show the deviation in the frame that everyone understands, I mirror all my objects before I create my reports.  But this also means all images of the part are mirrored also.  It would be great if I could create a simple coordinate system with only the Y axis mirrored.  This would also let me easily create reports for parts that cross the vehicle centerline. 

2.  In the v10 feature control window, you were able to press the tab key to move between the attributes for each selected feature (x,y,z, etc.).  So I quickly set tolerances by tabbing through the features.  In v11 you can press tab to get through the positive and negative tolerances but after that it moves to the buttons at the top of the window instead of the next attribute.

3.  Allow tolerances to be "one sided".  For example it may not be the ideal situation but we are asked to run a surface only on one side of nominal so we would have a tolerance of -0.2 to -0.8 for example.  If I need to be able to enter that as my tolerance for features like comparison points.  It would also be nice with the new reference model tolerances window if I could set "one sided" tolerances which would allow a go/no go colormap.

4.  Allow the user-data directory for the project to be the default directory when importing cad models.  I have several projects in the same folder and it can become difficult to sift through all the folders to find the correct "user-data" directory that contains my cad model.

5.  Allow customization of the mouse buttons.  Again no other software we use allows this either, but it would be nice if we could set the buttons to work the same as our Cad system.  It would make moving back and forth much easier.

6.  Ability to turn off the automatic creation of report items.  Everytime I run a comparison it creates another table in the report items (which I never use) and clutters up the tree.
Inspector / Re: One Sided Tolerances
April 07, 2009, 06:34:59 AM
I've started using v11 for all new scans but I still have v10 installed.
Inspector / One Sided Tolerances
April 07, 2009, 06:28:08 AM
Is it possible in IMInspect to set a comparison point to have a one sided tolerance?  For most points we use the common two sided tolerances of +/- 0.3mm or similar, but for some we are expected to keep the point on one side of nominal so the tolerance is something like -0.2mm to -0.8mm.  I have tried entering this into the tolerance for the comparison point but it seems that Polyworks will only accept a negative number for the negative high and low and a positive number for positive high and low.  Is there some way of using my required tolerance so points will show up in or out of tolerance when reported?  For now the best I can come up with is to modify the tolerance to 0.0 to -0.8mm.