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Messages - jrayself

Version Upgrades / Re: 2014 IR6 Problems with scanner
September 27, 2014, 02:20:47 PM
IR6 had a bug where the scanning profiles only worked in mm.
Nice workaround!
Inspector / Re: Project a scan onto a plane???
August 13, 2014, 07:21:31 AM
Some of the sketch functions in IMEdit should be able to accomplish what you're looking for.
Inspector / Re: Importing Multiple Cad files
August 09, 2014, 07:51:20 PM
The Manual Alignment dialog will move anything that is selected in the tree, including Reference Objects.
I run into that quite often. I've always chalked it up to sloppy designers. Odds are that the Y planeisn't actually zero, but 0.00052589612511", or something like that. IMINspect is rounding up to display 0.001"

I usually just turn on more decimal places in the annotations, and manually align the cad to the coordinate grid.
General Discussion / Re: Bluetooth
July 08, 2014, 03:41:32 PM
You need to verify which COM port the FAROArm is actually installed on via the device manager. It probably isn't COM40.
IMMerge / Re: IMMerge for Polygonal Model
July 08, 2014, 12:04:24 PM
IMMerge can handle much larger datasets, and IMAlign will help clean up your cloud before meshing.  IMInspect doesn't offer as many parameters to create a nice mesh.

The real-time meshing is awesome, but you still need additional licenses just as before.
Inspector / Re: Extract Measured From Point Cloud
July 02, 2014, 07:09:38 PM
Now that I know where you're working, and have a pretty good idea of what you're working on...

We were touch probing most of those features with the FARO Sensor Probe, rather than scanning.
Inspector / Re: Extract Measured From Point Cloud
July 02, 2014, 05:45:03 PM
I would guess that either:
The cylinder is too far out of location;
or that there aren't enough data points to extract the measured value.

Are you able to manually fit a plane to the cloud?
Inspector / Re: RPS Alignment
July 02, 2014, 05:42:40 PM
Step by step wouldn't really work, as it's not a one-size-fits-all alignment.

However, the basic scenario would be to:
Create nominal features
Define measured features
Create Reference Points for said features
Set properties of each reference point
Perform Alignment
Inspector / Re: Default Tolerance Question
June 28, 2014, 05:18:43 AM
You can also add tolerance templates to save you additional time.
Inspector / Re: Extract Measured From Point Cloud
June 28, 2014, 05:18:11 AM
Are you trying to calculate trim edge deviations on a sheet metal part? Ifo so, comparison points would be a better option.
I understand what you want, and I've been requesting that feature fora LONG time. Currently, it doesn't work like that though.
Inspector / Re: Extract Measured From Point Cloud
June 20, 2014, 05:18:18 AM
There is a TON of reasons why a feature wouldn't extract. I'd need to see the project to effectively troubleshoot it.
Inspector / Re: Comparison Point Help
May 18, 2014, 01:50:57 PM
That's a fine way of doing it, but there are a dozen or more reasons why a particular cmp pt wouldn't solve. Can you offer any more info about the ones that won't solve? Or perhaps upload the project somewhere? Even screenshots could help diagnose this.