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Messages - amoreno2000

Depending of the version of RDS you have,  It will guide you on how to calibrate the scanner using a reference sphere.   Normally you use the master probe to measure the reference sphere (Like 1" dia) and just follow the steps.

General Discussion / Re: Scanning shiny objects
May 26, 2015, 09:51:22 PM
You have to do two things:

1. Control the exposure of the laser...  I use ROMER with the auto exposure option (RDS 4.0)
2. If extra help is needed, the shipest and easy to use media is the baby powder.. yes it works
Hi all, my name is Jorge Moreno. I have been in the industry for 18 years and using Polyworks since 2008. I work for Hexagon Metrology California as a Sr application Engineer/Project manager.  I am here explore new ways to use this powerful tool specially for inspection and reverse engineering.
