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Messages - cappleby1

Version Upgrades / 2014 IR6 Problems with scanner
September 23, 2014, 08:30:43 AM
This version came out about a week or two ago and introduced my problems to laser scanning profiles.  I new version was released today IR7. I am going to download it now and hopefully it fixes the problems. I would look into getting this if you upgraded to IR6.
Inspector / Re: Composite GD&T Position Callouts
September 11, 2014, 07:34:38 AM
Hard to visualize without a print can you post the print? black out info for privacy if necessary. A pic of the part in the fixture may be helpful too.
Hello fellow Polyworks users,

Recently I had a problem that was really causing a slow down in my work. Basically I had been having difficulty picking points using the tool that looks like a pencil. The points link to a different location on the point cloud then where I clicked at. The point cloud density is good but the picked points were way off from where the pointer is. The problem happens usually when using a point cloud.  For example it will happen when picking points for the alignment or for surface comp points or even just trying to use the anchor method.  I did not changed any settings to my knowledge.

After emailing Polyworks I received a suggestion that worked:

Hello Chris,

I have seen this problem before when a PC graphics card driver is not up to date.  I would recommend first finding out what type of graphics card you have (typically NVidia) and going to the manufacturers website and downloading the latest driver.

If it is an NVidia card, you can first try a "Partner Certified Driver" (this is one that PolyWorks states works well).

If your graphics card is not in this list, the latest driver available should work.

After the update my picker was working again.  I would never have figured the driver could cause this issue because it was working before.  I guess is that my addition of a second monitor made it go haywire.  Well either way it works now.  Hope this info will help some of you out there :D
Inspector / Re: Importing Multiple Cad files
August 20, 2014, 05:28:19 AM
 8) Today I imported the model I made of our granite surface plate into my i inspection program.  I now have to model of my part on my inspection table.  This was exactly what I was looking for, Thank You!!! ;D
Inspector / Re: Project a scan onto a plane???
August 14, 2014, 11:54:29 AM
One method that worked for the alignment of these two items is to use the anchor method to create features on each.  With the features it will be possible to do a feature based alignment.

Go figure the most obvious method I did not attempt.  I don't think any of best fit type alignments will work for this circumstance.

Hope this helps any of you out there who will need to scan section view of parts. 8)

Inspector / Re: Project a scan onto a plane???
August 13, 2014, 12:55:21 PM
Ok so in IMEdit I was able to get exactly what I wanted.  For me I did a destructive test on the part so I cut it open then scanned the face just like the section view of my print using the point cloud method in IMInspect.

Level the scan of the part face to one of the coordinate system planes in IMInspect

Go to the button: Sketches>Create a Sketch (The scanned face must be a polygonal model, I just took my point cloud and meshed it).  The next dialog is Method choose the from a plane (mine was XY), Click Continue.

The next dialog is another Method, For me I choose silhouette edge click preview if you want, then click create.  Now you have a sketch of the profile. No need to sketh at this point if your profile looks good. You can export this as a point cloud and a few other formats like dxf. 

I now have the model of the actual part in IMInspect and I made the cross section on the model to simulate where I did my cut/scan on the real part.  I imported the point cloud of my cut face scan profile i just made in IMEdit however I can't get the two to align.  I have tried every method I could think of but nothing works.  I will post some pics soon

I will post a solution if I can find one, I have already contacted Polyworks.
I had to created vectors from the planes then create points where the vectors intersect the cylinder.  It would be nice just to create a line where a plane hits a cylinder (like a slice of pie). 


I sent this over to Polyworks and have been working with them. I got the following respone:

Hi Chris,

Looks like what you've done there is the best option for now.  I have put in your feature request.  I hope Polyworks gets it because that is a bit of a chore.

Looks like well be waiting for a another new feature hope we get this one soon
Inspector / Re: Project a scan onto a plane???
August 13, 2014, 05:22:35 AM
I am also researching IMEdit.  I think there may be some tools in this module which will prove to be helpful
Inspector / Re: Importing Multiple Cad files
August 13, 2014, 04:23:39 AM
Thanks for the tip I will try this next time. ;D
Inspector / Project a scan onto a plane???
August 12, 2014, 12:32:17 PM
I have a scan of a part that is relatively flat and I would like to be able to further flatten it by projecting all of my scan points onto a plane.  I was hoping that I could pull out dimensions from the section view of my print from the outside profile of this scan in the software perhaps I could even convert it to a dxf.  I am having trouble using the cross section tool for this purpose because of missing data or reflections from the scanner.  If i can take the scan of the top of the part and flatten it to a plane I may have a chance to do this.  How anyone out there encountered a problem like this?  Here is a Pic of the scan to further illustrate my issue.

Me again,  I am having a issue when trying to measure a distance.  I have one side of this part locked to a zero in my coordinate system (same as print) and I would like to measure a distance which is basically from the zero plane on one side to the location where a radius meets a plane on the other side.  The plane is going off at an angle and the location meets a cylinder feature.  The one side is a plane and is locked to my coordinate system in Z so I don't have to worry about that side but I have not been able to find a method that will allow this extraction.  Does anyone out there have any idea how to solve this problem?  This would seem to be a common measurement and would be surprised if I can construct a vector here.  Here is a pic of the model in Polyworks 2014:

I also need to do this but the attachments to this post no longer work can you please post more information on how to do this?
Inspector / Importing Multiple Cad files
August 05, 2014, 09:16:56 AM
I have cad models of my fixtures and I would like to move them around in the software.  For example I have a model of a 1-2-3 block and a granite table.  I would like to move the 1-2-3 block into different locations on the table.  Keep in mind that they are two separate cad files so this should be possible.  I used to do this in pcdmis but I have been unable to figure it out in polyworks.  Anyone know how to do this?

Inspector / Re: Extract Measured From Point Cloud
August 05, 2014, 09:13:28 AM
I appreciate the suggestions I will try them at the next opportunity and post a reply.
It would be nice to be able to control each dimension displayed precision separately.  Sometime on a print you get two place dimensions or three place dimensions.  I have only found setting in the software that control the precision of everything all at once.