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Messages - ktw101

Thanks for all your help.
Thanks, I'll give that a shot.

Is it better to do the original scan in IMalign then to merge then to edit(to clean and fill holes) then import it in inspect when trying this type of comparison?
Thanks guys, so it looks like if I right click on the data object to convert to ref object, I need to convert my original scan into a mesh first?
Hello, I'm brand new to this site as well as to the polyworks software. I went through the 1 week training at innovmetric. I can do basic comparisons with a Cad model and a scan.

But what I was wondering is how can I compare a scan with another scan of the same part?

I work in R&D and we will scan our parts before and after certain tests (temp change, durability, vibration, etc). 

Any help will be greatly appreciated.