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Messages - tonyv

Jeff that's just the ticket, thanks, it's massively apreciated! Have a good weekend!
I'm currently using v11.0.34
Macro World / opening the windows browser with a macro
November 02, 2011, 06:40:33 AM
Hi Guys, I'm new here and new to macro programming (I'm still at the 'cut and copy' stage:-) , could you help me with a small problem?

I'd like to have a simple macro that allows me to import a reference step model. I can get it to work if the model is always in the same location/folder, but I want the macro to simply open the windows browser, allowing the user to go find the model even if it's in a different place.

If you guys could give me a couple of pointers it would be massivley appreciated!


tobywan was absolutely right, though make sure that when you compare those points you change the comparison direction in the 'Compare Data Points' menu from 'normal to surface' to either 'along tangent at edge' or 'normal to edge'
IMAlign / Re: What happened to scanned data?
November 02, 2011, 02:49:15 AM
Mate you're either going too fast with the laser for your plug-in settings (try reducing the point spacing to 0.3mm and the max edge length to 3mm. The SIM filter should be set at 3mm too), or maybe the frequency isn't set correctly in Scanworks? As you know it should be set at 30Hz, whatever material you're scanning. As a plan b, try scanning in Scanworks itself, just to check that maybe that you don't have a trigger / controller issue.