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Messages - Homer-Jay

General Discussion / Re: Romer Arm - Balance
April 23, 2012, 12:46:46 PM
Mine won't stand on it's own with the scanner attached either. my lock is holding for now. (romer infinite arm).
Inspector / mass properties
April 20, 2012, 05:08:24 AM
i'm away from my polyworks console this week and was asked by my sales guy to open an stl file and give him the volume of the part. i dont have solidworks yet :(. in all the time i have been working with this software, i have never even looked or noticed if it will give mass properties. will it?
Modeler / planer constraints on patches
November 18, 2011, 07:32:02 AM
i created a curve network by starting with fillets to do the boundaries of my part (and any areas of curvature that weren't boundries) because there are no sharp edges on it. i then used standard curves to fill in any areas between the boundries that needed it. so i have fillets around the edges, and standard curves in the center. one problem i am having that i wanted to mention, is that if i ad planer constraints to my center patches, it warps my radii at the fillets. i even added the constaints before i fitted the patches, and it still caused problems.
Modeler / Re: Extrude Incomplete Hole
November 18, 2011, 07:25:48 AM
well, i just re-scanned the part and probed my holes in the last fixtured position. then i aligned all of my other passes to the last position so that everything was in the correct place. worked great! i know there must be a way to align everything together after the fact, but i couldnt hit upon it. if anyone does have any similar experiences along these lines, i'd love to hear about it
Modeler / Re: Extrude Incomplete Hole
November 15, 2011, 12:13:14 PM
"'Cut Holes with Curves' could be a function you can use. Just create a circle from your cylinder in IMInspect, edit it numerically to 1 and import it into your IMEdit project. After closing both sides of the model surface you can use the curve to create a watertight cylinder."
I get this, but how do i align my probed hole that i created in im inspect to the nurbs model in im edit. i cannot refixture my part to the exact location in which i scanned it. so even though i can align everything in im inspect and probe my holes. when i import them back into im edit, they are in the wrong spot. i played with the function that allows you to save a new initial position to no avail. i also tried a few other things. any ideas?
IMAlign / Re: laser calibration
October 21, 2011, 11:53:58 AM
thank you
Inspector / Re: comparison result
October 10, 2011, 08:14:10 AM
i have only tried to use the reference point alignment once, but i will familiarize myself with it .. i am scanning into im align, then i usually reduce my overlapping layers, save it, and then open it in im inspect.
Inspector / Re: comparison result
October 05, 2011, 08:15:15 AM
it could be a boss, a centerline, or a non machined dimmension that we have to hold a tolerance to.
Inspector / comparison result
October 03, 2011, 12:47:03 PM
when you compare your scanned images (castings in my case), to a reference file, is best fitting your data and reference objects together good enough for an accurate result? do i actually need to fit planes to elements and use the 3 perpendicular planes alignment in addition to the best fit? the reason i ask, is because i have a bore that probes, and is 13.210, and my laser data when compared to cad shows its within .025 per side, or about .050 total. the nominal dim is 13.00 btw. i would pass this casting based on the laser data and end up with 0.040 machine stock, which would not be acceptable. i believe all of my alignments were very good while scanning.
IMAlign / Re: laser calibration
September 13, 2011, 08:10:26 AM
perceptron scanshark. i am finally getting to the point that i can produce some decent models. i lose some curvature detail sometimes when i get into a hurry to finish one, but i'm not producing these for customers, just practicing.
IMAlign / laser calibration
September 13, 2011, 07:35:58 AM
Can someone please remind me what the acceptable max error is for the laser calibration to the sphere. i'm thinking less than or equal to .015
Modeler / Re: 2D drawings
August 04, 2011, 04:24:12 AM
well i emailed them and they sent me the pre-release. yay. i'm sure i'm the only one that didn't know this, but you can do some limited 2D stuff in v11 using cross sections, and dimmensioning them. i suppose it's kind of a moot point now, but thats what i did
Modeler / Re: 2D drawings
August 03, 2011, 04:23:14 AM
oh ok thanks
Modeler / Re: 2D drawings
August 02, 2011, 11:47:14 AM
well i don't have the pre-release of v12, i will have to wait till october i guess. so sad
Modeler / Re: 2D drawings
August 02, 2011, 11:16:47 AM
i dnt see v12 yet in the "new releases" section of the innovmetric tech support zone. i'm going to call them and see whats up