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Messages - JW

General Discussion / Any Land Surveyors out there???
March 16, 2010, 02:59:34 PM
I am a surveyor using Polyworks V11 IMAlign and IMSurvey.
I posted to the IMSurvey page and would appreciate some feedback.
IMSurvey / Tracking method for creating points???
March 16, 2010, 02:57:16 PM
Does anyone know if you can use the tracking method for creating points?
This would be very useful.  I did a demo of Cyclone Topo II and it had the option to create points at the center of striping, lowest and highest points, edge, etc..  Something along the same lines would be a great tool for polyworks.
IMSurvey / Having Trouble with feature extraction
March 16, 2010, 02:50:58 PM
Has anyone perfected feature extraction using "tracking method" and "anchor method"?

Alot of times the tracking methods, like edge or step-edge, do not work that well.  It often creates the polyline away from edge for no apparent reason, even with a dense point cloud.

Also the anchor method takes too long to wait for it to select an individual point and often times will not select without several tries.  Does anyone know if there is a setting for that?
Hello Everyone.

My name is John.  I am a Land Surveyor and CADD Draftman, now using Polyworks V11 with IMAlign and IMSurvey.
We had our training a few weeks ago and now i'm training to become more efficient in Polyworks.  I have used Leica Cyclone in the past but it's been a few years.

Our industry mostly uses scanning for very large transportation projects and areas which are hazardous to survey conventionally.
I am facing the problem of extracting features, polylines and points mostly, over very large areas from several hundred thousands of points.  Our final product is usually in the form of a Topographic map with DTM and contours with planimetrics in some CADD format, either AutoCAD or Microstation.

As of now there are no posts on the IMSurvey Forum.  Hopefully that will change.