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Messages - pwuser909

Inspector / Cylindrical profile probing
April 10, 2013, 08:11:30 PM
I need to find the profile of a cylinder used for roll forming.
I believe you can create a plane through the center of the cylinder, and then use a point probe.
When the probe passes over the plane, a point is registered.

Any ideas on how to do this, or any alternatives would be greatly appreciated.
General Discussion / Scanning shiny objects
December 18, 2012, 05:13:36 PM
I'm wondering what people are doing when the object they scan is shiny, particularly shiny black.

I have been using Rocol Flawfinder Developer spray, which comes in a spray can, and always wipes off easily.

Until yesterday that was, when it destroyed the paint on the parts I was scanning.

I use a FARO Fusion with a V2 Laser Line Probe.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.