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Messages - horsetooth

Hello again,

we have a problem. We want to export our measurment, that was created with a macro in IMInspect, to an excel sheet. We want the excel sheet to be saved automatically. How is the command structure for saving an excel sheet?
Is it possible to import selected objects from IMEdit to IMInspect automatically?

Inspector / measurement of ring width
August 05, 2009, 01:51:26 AM
Hello everybody,

we have a polygonmodel that is constructed like a ring. We want to measure the width of the ring at several points.
The model is not equally wide at all points.
But the measurement shall be taken so that the shortest distance is taken from one side to the other.

Does anybody has an idea how that can be accomplished?
thank you for your immediate response. It was very helpful. There is no problem with additionally features in the treeview (e.g. planes and curves). The programm just ignores them and runs further until the end. We try to finish the macro on our own now. But if we do not make it, we might come back to you.

Macro World / trying to create a macro in IMInspect
August 04, 2009, 12:28:06 AM
We want to create a macro. Our problem is that we do not get the loop done.  ???
We have created a series of points. We want to create vectors between these points from
1 to the end and then back from the last point back to the first. The number of points will
vary from model to model.
Then we want to measure the angle between the vector and a plane that we created before manuelly.
The support has adviced us to do that with a while-loop. But we seem not to get it done.
Can anybody help us?