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Messages - John.Abel

Sorry, that was really vague...

I figured it out anyway...  I have, as a reference, a perfect STL model given to me by a customer.  This is not my scanned data.
It's a little bit of a pain extracting the features (for GD&T) off a mess of triangles as opposed to having a nice IGES file.

Inspector / Polygonal Model/STL feature creation?
May 05, 2009, 12:01:07 PM
While IGES and STEP are the bees knees when it comes to pulling primitive features off a model, I'm noticing it is extremely difficult to do so on an STL polygonal model...

is there a best practice for this?  Or is it just time consuming? (i.e. pick and place, best fit, etc.)
Hello everyone!

My name is Johnny, Polyworks user since summer '08.

Looking forward to getting some help here from time to time, and hopefully share whatever I know.